Do you know? These 9 breeds of puppies are tend to get #HeatStroke more than others!
☀️ Currently temperatures in Thailand exceeding 35 degrees during midday, it’s a concern for all dog and pet owners.
So we wants to share useful information on breeds that are more susceptible to #HeatStroke than others:
🐶 Chihuahua
🐶 Bulldog
🐶 French Bulldog
🐶 French Mastiff
🐶 Greyhound
🐶 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
🐶 Pug
🐶 English Springer Spaniel
🐶 Golden Retriever
If you have these breeds, be extra vigilant about their well-being and avoid exposing them to intense sunlight and hot temperatures. Take cares! 💙💙
Cr: CountryLiving (https://www.countryliving.com/uk/wildlife/dog-breeds/a32913168/dog-breeds-higher-risk-heatstroke/ )