Pet Lover become big communities in Thailand because of people lonely and then they decide to buy the animal, breed them and stay with them. With the number of elderly people, single people or people who do not have children become more and more every year, therefore, people raising an animal as friends. The dog’s trend is very popular on social media people as people click like and share pictures, video clip, and content that give knowledge or about how to breed dogs on Facebook and line etc.
These are the reason that why dog café and pet café growing up this effect with a business that relate with dogs increasingly grow up, for example, animal food, animal hospital, clinic, spa, and the training school.
Moreover, “Pet Business” in 2019 touching 3.22 trillion baht separately as the biggest part is animal food 45% estimate 1.46 trillion baht. Pet health care 32% estimate as 1.02 trillion baht. Other as cloth, accessories, and toy 23 % estimate as 7,370 million baht.
5 factors that contributed to the growth of the pet market
- Aging Population separate into two groups: single and longevity age people increase therefore their need a pet to full fill their life.
- Dual Income, No Kids (D.I.N.K), married people, no children or alone person including being in the same sex partner that they did not have children
- Pet Humanization, animal lovers group popularly raising animals as children and being part of the family that they always choose high quality and right products for their pets.
- Pet Healthcare Improved Medical Evolution
- Friendly Pet Community has more places and shelters for pets.
While the most popular pet type found in 2017, the most popular pet is 62% of dogs, followed by 23% cats, which animal lovers are the ones who are ready to pay for pets. A group of pet lover is increasing in a higher average cost for pets